What do you study?
This question is inevitably asked when two university students meet for the first time. (It tends to follow “what school do you go to?” and “where are you from”?)
The question is simple enough, but I don’t like answering it. That is why I hesitate before I finally respond “I’m majoring in accounting”.
I know that there is nothing wrong with studying accounting in university, but I sometimes worry that people will immediately draw conclusions about me based on my major.
Here are some possible conclusions:
1) this guy is boring
2) he loves money
3) he is nerdy
4) he is uncultured
5) he will likely commit corporate fraud one day and steal my money
Note: I realize that it is unfair of me to assume that people make judgments like these. In fact, I’m sure that most do not. However, I know that if I were studying something else, and somebody told me that they were majoring in accounting I would probably draw many of the above conclusions. That is why I worry.
I am not posting to argue that the above 5 statements do not accurately reflect my personality. (In fact, by virtue of having a blog about essentially nothing, #3 is probably pretty accurate…). I will, however, use this space to answer some questions that I am commonly asked after I tell someone about my accounting major.
Q: Umm…so you want to be an accountant?
A: Yes. Within the next few years I plan to pursue a C.A. (Chartered Accountant) designation in Ontario.
Q: Wait, so you want to be an accountant for the rest of your life?
A: Likely not, unless I really love it. I think that I eventually want to take the business skills that I learn and work for a non-for-profit organization.
Q: So you can do my taxes, right?
A: No
Q: Why did you choose accounting?
A: Good question. It just sort of happened. Once I started business school, I thought that I would do something more creative, like marketing.
Unfortunately, I hated marketing at McGill.
Surprisingly, I found accounting to be somewhat interesting. It also helped that I was good at it, and it involved playing with numbers which is something that I like (refer to #3 on conclusions list above).
Q: Besides taxes, what do accountants do?
A: Lots of things. In fact, a lot of accountants don’t do taxes. A specific field of accounting that interests me is called “forensic accounting”. Forensic accountants are hired to detect and prevent corporate fraud. They’re the good guys who catch the bad guys in the business world.
Q: Do you like what you’re studying?
A: The subject matter can be dry at times, but for the most part, its intellectually stimulating.
Q: Are you interested in other things?
A: Yes. Just ask me.
Q: So you’re going to be rich right?
A: Not any time soon. Although I am very happy to have a job coming out of university, accounting is one of the lower paying entry level “business school jobs” (versus finance, consulting etc.) I am definitely happy with my salary, but if I were looking for quick cash, I would have applied for a job in investment banking.
To sum up:
1) Yes, I major in accounting.
2) No, it doesn’t define who I am
3) Yes, I realize that nobody actually makes assumptions about me based on my major
4) Yes I am a bit paranoid
5) Yes, I think I made the right choice for me
6) No, I won’t do your taxes.
Ahh, but Chaim, the people who ask such silly questions invariably end up serving me my food someday...
And while accounting may have one of the lowest starting salaries out of business school, it also happens to provide the most stable, gainful employment. Consulting is very much cyclical, as is finance. Very few majors offer so many important business skills, never mind the abundance of jobs in the market.
I won't lie, I chose accounting because I had no idea what else to do, but it turned out to be a good decision. I like tax, I like playing with numbers, but I also like the flexibility it offers me.
Besides, anyone who questions your motives is just jealous that they'll likely be working next to a deep frier for a couple of years while pursuing graduate work...
Good posting.
katz, from your comment I can see that I have the need to clarify some things in my post.
First, I don't think that the questions I am asked are silly. People ask them because they are genuinely interested. They are very reasonable questions.
Also, I don't think that they are questioning my motives. I think that I wrote this post more because I sometimes question my own motives.
This was not meant to be an attack on the people that I meet. Quite the opposite.
I am happy that I've been asked these questions because it has forced me answer them. These were questions that I didn't want to ask myself.
They have given me the opportunity to think seriously about my major.
Because of the questions, I can say more confidently that I am doing the right thing for me right now. But, of course, I probably won't be an accountant for the rest of my life...
I tell people that I am a streetcar driver - specifically the Spadina streetcar.
though nobody has beleived me yet - its much more interesting than being an accountant. :)
Anonymous, I think it's safe to say that we ALL want to be Chaim when we grow up... he has his hands in all the right Semitic places, and I don't think I need to say anymore. Booyakasha.
Wough! Watch out: THIS accountant DOES have have personality. Caution, everybody!
When people ask me what I'm studying, they always end up asking whether I can design their house for them. If I could realistically get jobs like these right when I graduate, I'd be making a hefty salary. Unfortunately, I have a feeling they want me to design thier houses because they think that they know me, so I'll do it for free. Really they're probably just trying to make conversation.
I'll design your house if you do my taxes. Deal?
On the upside, I bet you never hear, "So, what do you plan to do with that?" My grandmother loves that one.
Remember when Chaim wrote an entire blog entry comprising of a hypothetical interview with himself?
You are one of the funniest people that I have ever met :)
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