Thursday, November 10, 2005

Red Tape Blues

That's it. I simply don't think that I can deal with McGill's administration anymore.

Let me explain...

Over the summer, I took two courses:
1) Business Law offered by correspondence from the University of Windsor.
2) Finance II offered at Ryerson University in Toronto.

I need both of these courses in order to become an accountant in Ontario one day.

Anyway, in March (ie well before I took these courses), I asked the nice people at the Bachelor of Commerce office here at McGill if I would be able to transfer the credits from my summer classes to my McGill transcript. If they said "yes", then I would be able to take 4 courses per semester in my last year (as opposed to the regular 5).

Well, the B.Com office was certainly less than helpful. Every person that I spoke to told me that I needed to speak to someone else. I got thrown around in circles for at least 3 weeks.
Every single day I would walk into the office and demand to speak to someone who could help me and everyday I was told that I would have to make appointment or send an e-mail.

First I tried to send e-mails but I would either get no response or very unhelpful and often rude ones.
Then I asked how I could make appointments and I was told that I had to do it through e-mail! (Which clearly was not going to work).

Finally one day in April when I was making a bit of a scene in the office (which had become normal at this point) an advisor came out of his office and asked me what he could help me with.
I explained my situation and he told me to come back the next day.

My first meeting with this advisor did not go very well.
He told me that there is no way that I would be able to transfer credits from either class.
His explanation for the correspondence class was that McGill does not recognize correspondence classes as "real courses". Although I was disappointed, I figured that it was not worth arguing over.

So then I asked him what was wrong with the Ryerson course.
He told me that there were two problems with it.
#1 The course was offered both by correspondence and in standard lecture format, and he would have no way of knowing which way I took the course (even though that was a crap excuse because I showed him my online registration).
#2 This one is even worse...He told me that McGill does not recognize Ryerson University as a valid academic institution.
What the hell?!?!
Ok, I'll admit that Ryerson isn't regarded as Canada's top school, but give me a break. McGill accepts credits from all sorts of schools. The last time that McGill reviewed Ryerson as an institution was more than 10 years ago when it was still Ryerson Polytechnic Institute.

Well, after the meeting I decided that this was still a cause worth fighting for.
I was not going to let McGill push me around like this (especially because the advisor also mentioned that "it's a revenue issue for McGill" ie, if they don't transfer the credits then I have to take more classes at McGill and thus give McGill more money).

Reader's note: I was really not trying to screw with the system. I looked into taking the Finance course at U. of T. (a school that McGill does recognize), but I couldn't get into it. That is why I had to take it at Ryerson.

Skip ahead 2-3 weeks.

After my continual arguing, bothering and kvetching I finally got a hint of good news:
McGill would transfer the credits from my Ryerson course but only under 2 conditions:
#1 I had to get into the course without the help of McGill (normally they write "letters of permission" which makes the registration process much easier).
#2 I had to get a letter from the registrar at Ryerson stating clearly that I did not take my course by correspondence.

With this good news, I thanked the advisor for all of his "help" (keep in mind, I had already been dealing with this for well over a month).

Skip ahead 4 months.

I've finished both my summer courses and have done well in both of them (although the Business Law course ended in near disaster...Perhaps a story for a later post).

I know that McGill will not transfer credits from the Bus. Law course so I don't' even bother asking again.
I also know, however, that they will transfer my credits from Ryerson.

So, in early September I present my Ryerson transcript along with a letter from the registrar (which cost me $15) to the B.Com office.

I breath a sigh of relief because I think that my ordeal is over.

Skip ahead 2 months.

Its now the middle of November and the credits still have not transferred.
The advisor seems to have forgotten our little agreement. He now tells me that I may not be able to transfer the credits (using the same excuses as before)
I've had to write more letters and continue with my daily e-mails.

How is this possible?
How do these people function?
Why are they trying to screw me over?

I realize that this post is long but I wanted everyone to get a small sense of the ridiculousness that I have gone through. I, of course, left out a lot of frustrating details in order to conserve space.
The truly unfortunate thing is that so many McGill students have similar stories to mine.
McGill is infamous for the insane bureaucracy and its really starting to piss me off.
I'll keep you posted on this saga as it continues to unfold...

Now onto happier news...

Yesterday as I was checking out Jewlicious, I read a post about the winner of the Israeli version of the reality series "The Bachelor".
Turns out, the girl who won is somebody who I went to highschool with.
Its pretty funny.
You can read an article about it the Jerusalem Post, or watch the a video from the final episode on the show's website.


At 7:23 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

They did the same thing to Raichel when she took Organic Chemistry over the summer. Eventually she got the credits transferred though. So there's a least some hope for you. In any case, it's called being "McGilled." Good luck with that.

At 7:47 PM, Blogger David Mader said...

It really is a shame, since McGill is otherwise a good school. If it got its administration together it might start to deserve the reputation it has south of the border. I'd say the lesson is 'get everything in writing', but I doubt they'd admit to their own signatures.

On another note, glad to see you blogging!

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Chaim said...

Fortunately I still have all of the e-mails saved from before the summer where they told me that the transfer would be ok.
Unfortunately, McGill doesn't seem to care about what they said 6 months ago.

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was transferring from York, each person I was sent to told me to speak to somebody else. I ended up elbowing my way into the Head Honcho's office and cried. I got my way in the end, but really just because I look awful when I cry and they wanted me to stop. They sure didn't make me sad that I was leaving that Godforsaken school.
In other news, I'm glad you have a blog. I often think about starting a blog of my own, but only because I often feel the need to rant about one thing or another. So then I realized that it's just an angst thing, and I don't really need to share that with the world.

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A prime example of why you should have come to Queen's Commerce, where students get what they want - always.

It's okay, though, we all make mistakes in life.

At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chaim, this isn't your first dealing with McGill. The only thing you can do is try to take some pleasure in making their lives a little miserable, considering how badly they've treated you. Try emailing the ombudsman; he's supposed to get the ball rolling on this sort of thing.


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