Monday, June 25, 2007

This isn't Algonquin

As planned, we spent shabbat camping on the grounds of the fancy "Tea Hotel" in Kericho. (We overheard one British student comment "This place is more British than Britain").

It did rain on Friday night but our trusty new tarp kept us relatively dryish.

On Saturday afternoon, we ecountered a new problem that we had not yet dealt with...monkeys (who are not afraid of people).

Growing up at Camp Ramah, I was always taught to hang my food from a tree branch while camping to keep it well away from bears.

Question: When bears are not the risk, but monkeys are (who can clearly climb tries and and across ropes) what do you do?

Answer: From what we figured out, not a whole lot.

We didn't know if the campsite had monkeys. We certainly didn't see any when we arrived.

To stay safe, we kept all food out of the tent.
That was, at least a good idea.

However, at around 3PM when Hilllary and I were reading outside of the tent, we were swarmed.
The monkeys stole our bananas (typical) and tried to get more.

We eventually chased them away (there must have been about 20) as the hotel staff laughed at us.

Good times.

Now we're back in Nairobi getting ready to leave on a 3 day safari.

We had drinks / used the bathroom at the Hilton last night.
It was nice and I didn't want to leave.
Then we returned the the office / dorm of our safari company where we slept in a small room with 4 other people and no running water.

Until next time.


At 2:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

wow! so much for the bananas.
sounds like you are having an epic time.
next challenge.....the australian di do do(sung in a scary way)

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

too much. Accountants aren't supposed to laugh this much.



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